Tungaloy News

Tungaloy’s SolidDrill DSW Reaches New Depths

Tungaloy is presenting its SolidDrill DSW solid carbide drills in 16xD, 20xD, and 30xD length for the first time.
Tungaloy’s SolidDrill DSW Reaches New Depths

SolidDrill DSW solid carbide drills incorporate geometry with optimized drill point and helix angles, flute shape, and internal through coolant. These features provide excellent guidance in the drill hole, while enabling optimal chip evacuation during drilling, ensuring the tool’s reliability and good longevity over a wide range of material groups.

A versatile grade, AH725 combines wear resistance and edge chipping resistance, contributing to high process security. The 18 new drills come in lengths of 16xD, 20xD, and 30xD and the drill diameters available from 3.0 mm (.118″) to as large as 10 mm (.394″). They all feature double margin as well for improved hole quality.

The addition of these long drill lines will enable highly efficient machining of small-diameter deep holes, contributing to improved productivity for users in a vast range of industries, including die mold and automotive parts.

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